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Gareth is a Consultant who specialises in disease litigation, multi-party action and industrial accidents.

Gareth was born and raised in a mining community. He has successfully brought actions against the Coal Board for a number of conditions including deafness, respiratory disease and vibration white finger.

Due to his participation in these cases Gareth has earned his reputation as a leader in the field of mining compensation claims. For the last three decades Gareth has coordinated the settlements of thousands of these claims and brought them to a successful conclusion. He was a lead solicitor, alongside Peter Evans, in the chest disease claims against British Coal, which remains the largest civil case in British legal history.

Going forward Gareth is actively fighting for justice on behalf of coal miners suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee as well as overseeing an action for compensation for former Phurnacite Plant workers suffering with cancer.

Work History

Gareth qualified as a solicitor in 1980, meaning he has over 38 years’ post qualification experience.