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Organisations we support

We know that being diagnosed with an asbestos disease can be a lonely and isolating time for patients and families. We therefore do what we can to help those charities which have been set up to help support you through your journeys. We have strong links with the following:

Mesothelioma UK supports all UK mesothelioma patients and their families. If you need information, support, help with benefits or compensation, or would like to speak to a nurse who is an expert in mesothelioma, they can help you. We regularly assists with fundraising events for Mesothelioma UK, including the current Moves4Meso campaign.

HASAG is a charity dedicated to helping people suffering from asbestos-related diseases and their families. They provide a complete source of help and support for anyone living in the South of England, the South East, London or the Home Counties who have been affected by any asbestos diseases. HASAG run regular coffee mornings for patients and families, which we attend in support. Do let us know if you’d like to know more about the coffee mornings running within your area.

SWASAG is dedicated to helping people affected by asbestos-related illnesses in Devon and Cornwall, and making a positive difference in their daily lives. Their aim is to provide advice and support to everyone who has been affected by exposure to asbestos within the region, including those who’ve been diagnosed with asbestos-related disease as well as their family and friends. SWASAG run regular coffee mornings for patients and families, which we attend in support. Do let us know if you’d like to know more about the coffee mornings running within your area.

Mesothelioma Support Yorkshire (MESSY) is an information and support group for those affected by Mesothelioma. The group aims to provide information, support and practical advice to people suffering from or affected by Mesothelioma within the Yorkshire region. MESSY runs a twice monthly support group for patients and families, which we attend in support. Do let us know if you’d like to know more about the support group.

Asbestos Awareness and Support Cymru (AASC) is providing a Wales wide network of help and support to those living with asbestos related illnesses and their families, providing tailored support to those living with asbestos diseases in Wales. AASC run regular AASC Café meetings for patients and families, which we attend in support. Do let us know if you’d like to know more about these.

The EEA-PSG has been established for individuals in East of England suffering the effects of exposure to asbestos. The EEA-PSG groups are free to attend and are open to all patients, caregivers, family members and friends who may need encouragement while learning to cope with the diagnosis of a loved one. The EEA-PSG runs two monthly support groups for patients and families, one in Norfolk and one in Suffolk, and we attend in support. Do let us know if you’d like to know more about the support group within your county.

The Mavis Nye Foundation was created to inspire victims of mesothelioma, an asbestos related terminal Cancer, in order to give hope to fellow victims and show that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Mavis provides online support through community forums, and we can point you in the right direction if you would like to know more. Our London partner Mary Mullhall is chair of the board of trustees, and Natalia Rushworth-White also sits on the board.

Erase Meso is a voluntary community committed to raising funds to research a cure for, or at least a way to manage, mesothelioma. The charity raises awareness of mesothelioma and asbestos and provides hope to mesothelioma sufferers. We regularly assist with fundraising events for Erase Meso, and two of our partners are due to take part in the London to Brighton sponsored cycle in September.

EOLP believes everyone should experience compassionate and personalised end-of-life care and they aim to improve the quality of the end-of-life experience for more than 10,000 people every year across Cheshire. They do this through specialist education, innovative community initiatives, data led leadership and collaborative partnerships.

We also do what we can to help hospices, as we know what an incredible job they do in providing care at times when patients need it most. In the event of a successful legal claim, we can recover the cost of any hospice care provided and have to date recovered hundreds of thousands of pounds for hospices. If you think that a hospice you have attended might benefit from this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Local support groups

Asbestos and the women who choose to challenge

The theme of International Women’s Day 2021 is #choosetochallenge. To mark this day, we look at some of the women who chose to challenge the mesothelioma community and the impact for good that has had on present day mesothelioma sufferers and their families. Read more about it in our blog post.

To mark International Women’s Day 2021, we spoke to Mesothelioma UK Clinical Nurse Specialists, Sarah Morgan and Christine Jones, about the role that women have played in mesothelioma through history and in the present day.

Action meso campaign

Cambridge to Cardiff via London, Southampton and Plymouth

To mark the continued growth of the specialist asbestos claims team at Hugh James the team will be undertaking a 500-mile virtual relay between its offices across England and Wales to raise vital funds for life changing charities and support groups.

The team will start the challenge on Action Mesothelioma Day on 2 July and aim to complete the challenge by 30 September. The team hope their challenge will assist in bringing together the mesothelioma community and raise awareness to eradicate asbestos and asbestos-related disease, the aim of this years #ActionMeso Campaign.

The journey will start at their office in Cambridge making its way to the London office in Bank, down to Southampton, across to Plymouth and finally making its back way to back their headquarters in Cardiff.

The team will walk, cycle, run, swim the 500 mile journey virtually across the 12 weeks.

The team are raising money for Mesothelioma UK (as part of its #Moveformeso campaign), East of England Asbestos Patient Support Group, The Mavis Nye Foundation, Hasag Asbestos Disease Support, South West Asbestos Support and Awareness Group (SWASAG) and Asbestos Awareness Support Cymru (AASC), key charities and support groups working tirelessly to support those suffering from or affected by asbestos related disease.

You can follow them team’s progress on twitter @HJrespiratory. Make sure to look out for some guest appearances along the way!

Next steps

We’re here to get things moving. Drop a message to one of our experts and we’ll get straight back to you.

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