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Hugh James secures settlement for mesothelioma sufferer

We were instructed by Mrs B following her diagnosis with mesothelioma. At the time of her diagnosis Mrs B did not know where she had been exposed to asbestos.

Mrs B had worked as secretary to a factory manager at Harker Stagg Ltd (a subsidiary of pharmaceutical giant Boehringer Ineglheim) for two years after leaving school.

Following extensive investigations it was established that the factory Mrs B had worked in was lined with asbestos sheets. Mrs B was able to recall typing up reports in the laboratory attached to the factory on a daily basis. On occasions the maintenance team repaired and replaced the asbestos sheets located in the ceiling of the laboratory whilst Mrs B was going about her work. The disturbance of the sheets caused asbestos dust to be released into the atmosphere around Mrs B.

Upon confirmation that the building contained asbestos, medical evidence was obtained in support of Mrs B’s claim. Following swift negotiations with the defendant our specialist asbestos lawyers settled Mrs B’s claim for £113,000.

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