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Asbestosis compensation claims

Asbestosis is a fibrosis (scarring) of the lungs themselves. There are various causes of lung fibrosis, but if you have been exposed to heavy levels of asbestos dust, then it’s possible that asbestos exposure has caused this condition. If you or a loved one has contracted asbestosis and you have been exposed to heavy levels of asbestos dust, then you could be eligible to make a compensation claim. The Hugh James specialist asbestos team is hugely experienced in helping people affected by asbestosis, and we’re passionate about fighting for compensation and benefits for our clients.

We offer free advice and guidance while we initially investigate your claim without obligation to proceed. We have offices in Cardiff, London, Manchester, and Southampton and with further coverage in Cambridge, Plymouth and Bristol. We can arrange home visits and can help you access, where appropriate, early interim compensation payments and benefit entitlements. All ongoing work is carried out on a no win, no fee basis.

Our team is ready to help you. A free consultation will help you find out where you stand and what your options are.

Key contact

Richard Green


Richard is a Partner and Head of the Asbestos Litigation team. Richard specialises in asbestos-related disease claims and has recovered millions of pounds in compensation for his clients.

How we can help with asbestosis claims

Our specialist asbestos team can help asbestosis patients to claim financial support from the government, as well as looking into a legal claim for compensation. Any legal claim would be brought against the entity responsible for exposing you to asbestos dust, which is most commonly a former employer. If your former employer is no longer trading, then claims can be brought against their insurers, instead.

Why choose us?

We offer:

  • A ‘no win no fee’ service
  • An obligation-free initial consultation to discuss your case;
  • Ongoing meetings via phone or in person at a location to suit you. We have five offices across England & Wales, and so wherever you’re based, we can arrange to come out to see you where you wish;
  • Research on your behalf to establish how you may have come in to contact with asbestos; and
  • A highly experienced team of specialist solicitors who practice solely in the field of asbestos litigation.

We are experts in dealing with asbestosis claims and will ensure that you and your family get the help you need. Our lawyers have been successfully handling industrial disease and asbestos cases for individuals and families for over 50 years. We understand that an asbestosis diagnosis is worrying, so we provide on-going support for our clients and their families and make sure the process is as straightforward as possible.

We are relentless in the pursuit of justice. Our specialist team will provide expert legal advice to ensure you receive the best care and the highest level of compensation.

Your questions answered

Asbestosis is a fibrosis (scarring) of the lungs caused by heavy levels of asbestos dust exposure. The term asbestosis is sometimes used as a term for other asbestos conditions but medically this is incorrect. Asbestosis usually develops 20 years or more after exposure to asbestos but it can develop sooner where someone has been exposed to very high levels of asbestos dust.

Asbestosis can remain stable for many years causing little disability, but it is usually a progressive disease which can cause increasing breathlessness and coughing as it develops. Typically the more dust to which you have been exposed, the more extensive the disease.

Patients with asbestosis are also at an increased risk of developing other asbestos related illnesses. This risk usually arises from the exposure to asbestos rather than the presence of asbestosis itself, although asbestosis has been linked with the development of lung cancer. Where appropriate, our specialist team will endeavour to settle asbestosis claims with an agreement in place to ensure that patients can return to court for a further pay-out in the unfortunate event that these risks materialise.

This is personal to you and will depend upon a number of factors which are unique to your individual situation. Compensation includes an award for the pain and suffering caused by your illness, together with sums claimed in respect of any care needs, and any financial losses arising from your diagnosis.

As a ballpark figure, the majority of asbestosis claims settle for five figure sums and as detailed above, the settlement agreement reached often includes provision for patients to seek a further payment if they develop an additional asbestos disease. Our specialist team is experienced in ensuring that you and your family receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.

Your claim will be dealt with on a ‘no win no fee’ basis, and so if we are unsuccessful then the claim will not cost you anything.

You have three years from the date upon which you were diagnosed with asbestosis in which to make a claim. There are exceptions to this and it is worth contacting us even if you are outside this time period. If a loved one has died with asbestosis, then you have three years from the date upon which they died in which to claim.

Next steps

We’re here to get things moving. Drop a message to one of our experts and we’ll get straight back to you.

Call us: 033 3016 2222

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