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18 June 2020 | Comment | Article by Simon Ellis

Hugh James Military Team to take part in D-DAY 76th Anniversary Virtual Race in support of ABF The Soldiers’ Charity

The Military Claims Team at Hugh James has supported ABF The Soldiers’ Charity in the past and was planning on supporting them again this year by running in the Cardiff Half Marathon. Unfortunately, due to COVID 19, the race has been cancelled. But a global pandemic does not stop The Soldiers’ Charity from doing the great work they do in supporting military personnel, veterans and their families, so we did not want to let the pandemic stop us from supporting them either.

So we were only too happy to get involved when we were given the opportunity to take part in a new kind of race. It is a race that can take place despite the pandemic. It is going on right now and by taking part, we are helping a charity that our team believes in continue to do the work they do.

Let me tell you about it.

Between the 6th and 30th of June, people from all over the country will be taking part in the D-DAY 76th Anniversary Virtual Race. The race is organised by Run4Wales, MRR – Military Remote Running and ABF The Soldiers’ Charity and has different lengths – 10K, half marathon and full marathon and is a good opportunity for runners of any ability to show their support for ABF The Soldiers’ Charity.

At Hugh James, a group of us have signed up to the Virtual Race and will be individually running on 27 June 2020. We chose this date as it is Armed Forces Day and we thought it would be fitting to both show our support for The Soldier’s Charity and to recognise the contributions our service men and women have made to our freedom at the same time. I am proud to say that I will be taking part with my colleagues and I hope that you are able to take part too.

As a firm, we continue to show our support of the hard and vital work that ABF The Soldier’s Charity does in ensuring that soldiers, veterans and their families have a support system for life. Some of the many areas in which ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is committed to include employment, education and training, elderly care, housing, mobility and well-being of the Army Family. Be it helping homeless veterans move into a new property, providing support to those struggling with debt and court proceedings, or providing re-training courses for a new career, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is there to help. This is a great event for us to get involved in doing our bit during such difficult and restricting times.

Here at Hugh James we are excited to take part and get involved in an event that is set to be the single largest virtual running event the military has ever seen. You too can get involved in the Virtual Race. You will need to register by 29 June and submit your evidence by 30th June. By signing up, a portion of your entry fee will be donated to ABF The Soldiers’ Charity. This is a great event to raise funds for the ABF, stay active and get competitive during lockdown.

Author bio

Simon Ellis


Simon Ellis is a Partner with Hugh James and has worked with the firm for more than 25 years, having trained and qualified here. Simon heads up the Military Department, advising and assisting current and former military personnel with various health conditions and injuries. He specialises in claims such as hearing loss, non-freezing cold injuries, compartment syndrome and military injury cases. He is often asked to advise on more unusual claims in the military context.

Disclaimer: The information on the Hugh James website is for general information only and reflects the position at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. If you would like to ensure the commentary reflects current legislation, case law or best practice, please contact the blog author.


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