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8 December 2021 | Comment | Article by Lynda Reynolds

Inquest into death of Annabel Wright: Coroner rules out direct link to suicide and anti-acne drug

A coroner has ruled out any direct link between a teenager Annabel Wright’s suicide and the drug she was using that had been prescribed as a form of acne treatment.

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Annabel Wright, was just 15 years old when she was found dead at her home near Ripon in May 2019.

In a statement provided by the parents of Annabel, Helen and Simon Wright said;

“The evidence provided during this inquest has shown that normal, happy, well-adjusted child took her own life, suddenly without warning and without any mitigating circumstances other than that she was taking a drug which can cause suicide. Despite this the Coroner has not seen fit to implicate this drug in her death. We are disappointed but sadly not surprised by the conclusion delivered here today.

Annabel was let down by Harrogate Hospital when they prescribed her a drug she did not think could cause her suicide. She was let down in life and she has been let down in death by the authorities steadfast refusal to recognise the role Isotretinoin played in her death. But we, her family, friends and the people he knew her know the real truth this will not be changed by the opinions of those, who never met her, yet have the power to stand in judgement over her.

We are where we are today because the authorities have not listened to parents who have lost their children to this drug in previous cases. Whatever the conclusion of this inquest it was never going to change anything for us. Annabel, our lovely daughter is dead.

But in failing to make a PFD report implicating the role Isotretinoin had in her death the Coroner has missed a valuable opportunity to try and prevent what happened to Annabel happening to another child, another family. We know we will never get justice for our child but we tried our best to get recognition for the role Isotretinoin played in Annabel’s death. In the face of wilful ignorance by those who refused to listen we could do no more.

In view of this, we, as bereaved parents, would like to take this opportunity to warn others of the dangers of Isotretinoin, because often they will not hear about the true side-effects, including sudden suicidal impulses from those who glibly prescribe it. We hope others will take heed from this tragedy and refuse to allow their children to take this toxic drug.”

Simon and Helen Wright instructed our Senior Associate, and Head of the Hugh James Inquest Team, Lynda Reynolds, to represent them at the inquest into her death, appointed Barrister, Rory Badenoch of 1COR Chambers, to ask questions on behalf of the family.

Lynda said;

“This is such a tragic death, and came completely out of the blue for the family. We have assisted them through the Inquest process which naturally is exceptionally distressing for them. My role was to ensure their voice was heard by the Coroner and they could fully participate in the Inquest as to how Annabel came about her death and urge the Coroner to consider a Prevention of Future Deaths report.”

Author bio

Lynda Reynolds


Lynda is a Partner and Head of the Inquest Team that forms part of the Clinical Negligence Department in the London office. She has considerable experience in assisting families with inquests that relate to deaths in hospital or care homes, where medical negligence is suspected.

She has been instructed on Article 2 inquests, inquests with juries and complicated medical inquests where numerous experts have been instructed. Where necessary she will make submissions on the Coroner’s power to issue Prevention of Future Deaths reports. Her inquest role combined with subsequent civil claims ensures that she is a specialist on Fatal Accident Act Claims. She is recognised in both UK Chambers & Partners and Legal 500.

In addition to her role in the Inquest team Lynda has a caseload of complex clinical negligence matters which include cerebral palsy, brain injuries, spinal injuries and cauda equina claims.

Disclaimer: The information on the Hugh James website is for general information only and reflects the position at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. If you would like to ensure the commentary reflects current legislation, case law or best practice, please contact the blog author.


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