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9 May 2017 | Comment | Article by Cari Sowden-Taylor

Action for Brain Injury Week looks at Dale Quarmby’s story

Dale Quarmby is a 46-year-old former brick merchant worker from Ogmore by Sea – former because he is unable to work.   In fact there are lots of things he is unable to do these days.

Dale isn’t the same man he used to be because one day at work he had 250 bricks fall off a lorry onto his head. Dale wasn’t provided with a hard hat so the bricks crushed his skull in several places and completely collapsed his eye socket. Even some of life’s most simple tasks seem daunting. He struggles to remember to do even the most simple things like picking up his wallet from the cash register when he is shopping.

Doctors were unsure whether he would survive or what the extent of his brain injury would be if he did survive.

After his accident, Dale first believed that nothing about him had changed, but he soon found that he was unable to do some of the most simple daily tasks and found this incredibly frustrating. This frustration bubbled up in angry outbursts that were completely out of character for him. His struggles left his confidence in tatters with his family bearing the brunt of his frustration.

Due to Dale’s diminished capacity he was unable to manage his own finances his mother had to manage every aspect of Dale’s finances which was both difficult and stressful for her.  This became increasingly more difficult once Dale received compensation for his injuries.

The Court of Protection deputy at Hugh James helps Dale manage his finances.  With help and support, Dale has been able to regain his confidence and put his life back together because he knows that the team at Hugh James will provide the help he needs for life’s important financial decisions.

If you or anyone you know is struggling after sustaining a traumatic brain injury, then get in touch to find out if Hugh James can help just as they have been able to do for Dale.

Author bio

Cari Sowden-Taylor


Cari is a Partner and Joint Head of the National Serious Injury Team, and specialises in representing adult and child claimants who have sustained life changing injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, limb loss and polytrauma following road traffic collisions, injuries at work and assaults.

Disclaimer: The information on the Hugh James website is for general information only and reflects the position at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. If you would like to ensure the commentary reflects current legislation, case law or best practice, please contact the blog author.


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