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29 March 2022 | Comment | Article by Ruth Powell

Hugh James supports Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

March 2022 marks Cerebral Palsy awareness month. Cerebral Palsy is a lifelong condition caused by damage sustained to the brain. This can occur before, during, or after birth.

Causes can include Maternal infection such as rubella or toxoplasmosis; Oxygen starvation to the baby’s brain during pregnancy or delivery; Premature birth; Cerebral haemorrhage (bleeds in the brain) during pregnancy or delivery; and Genetic problems. Infections when a baby is young (especially encephalitis or meningitis) can also lead to cerebral palsy. Some of these causes sadly occur as a result of clinical negligence.

The symptoms of Cerebral Palsy usually become more obvious as a child’s nervous system matures and can vary dramatically depending on the severity of the brain damage. Some children may have difficulties with mobility but will be able to live independently in the future, whilst others will be severely disabled and will require care for the rest of their lives. Some other symptoms of Cerebral Palsy include, but are not limited to, delayed developmental milestones such as head control, rolling over, sitting without support, crawling, or walking; abnormal muscle tone, where the muscles may be very stiff or unusually relaxed; abnormal involuntary movements; swallowing problems.

It is estimated that about 1 in every 400 children in the UK are affected by Cerebral Palsy and whilst Cerebral Palsy itself is not a disability, some children might have a learning disability because of it.

Cerebral Palsy awareness month is dedicated to all those who are diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy worldwide and seeks to raise awareness about the condition and its impact on those who live with it. As a firm that works closely with individuals diagnosed with, and families impacted by Cerebral Palsy as a result of clinical negligence, we at Hugh James feel that it is important to raise awareness about Cerebral Palsy and what it is.

Cerebral Palsy Cymru have supported a great number of our clients over the years and for that reason we are keen to assist them where we can with financial and other support.

Being diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy is a life changing diagnosis and whilst there is no cure, at Hugh James we work to ensure that your child is given the best quality of life. We have seen the difference that early and appropriate therapeutic input can make to a child’s outcome.

To raise awareness of Cerebral Palsy, what it is, and the impact it can have on those diagnosed and their families, we at Hugh James are celebrating Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month during March 2022.

If you feel that you or someone you know may have been a victim of clinical negligence, then please get in touch with our specialist lawyers.

Author bio

Ruth Powell


Ruth is a Partner and Head of our Clinical Negligence Department. She has exclusively practised in clinical negligence since qualifying in 1995 and has a wealth of experience in complex and high value clinical negligence claims.

Disclaimer: The information on the Hugh James website is for general information only and reflects the position at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. If you would like to ensure the commentary reflects current legislation, case law or best practice, please contact the blog author.


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